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How to Choose the best queen metal platform bed frame

The popularity of metal-made platform beds is increasing due to their sturdiness, aesthetic, and folding ability. Furthermore, the price of wood is growing because of its scarcity. Besides, metal queen platform beds are available in various sizes and shapes. There is nothing worse than purchasing a mattress only for it to squeaks and sag a few weeks after purchase. To avoid such blunders, you need to know what to look at before purchasing a metal platform bed. What are your interests in a bed? You need a mattress that can withstand your playful kids or vigorous activities during sleep or a simple foundation for your guests. Some of the things to consider when purchasing a mattress include.

◄◄◄ Important Article:  https://platformbedexpert.com/best-queen-size-platform-bed-reviews/

1. Weight capacity

All manufactures have the weight that a queen platform bed can withstand indicated either on the manual or somewhere in the bed. You know how much you weigh, therefore, purchase a bed that can withstand your weight comfortably. Also, think about the possibility of adding weight in the future. If you are purchasing a foundation for a couple, consider the heaviness of the two of you combined. Since there is a possibility of a couple siring a child in the future, add allowance on the capacity that a bed can carry.

2. Under-bed vertical clearance

One of the most significant benefits of a platform bed is the storage area beneath the bed. The additional storage helps in better organization of your room. Consider the size of your room. If your room is big enough, the under-bed clearance may not be a big problem for you. Think about the staff you would like to keep below your bed. From the size and height of your briefcase to the boxes, you would like to stay below your bed. However, before going for a high-profile bed, consider the height of your ceiling.


Before the beauty and the looks, one primary function of a bed is support for the mattress and you. A good metal platform bed should support your weight and that of the mattress without buckling. Some of the structural support to look at include thickness of metal frame used, slat spacing, and width of slats. A solidly joined thick metallic frame provides superior comfort. Besides, carefully arranged durable slates to support the mattress. Furthermore, large queen metallic platform beds should have a middle rail to reinforce the overall weight and stability of the bed.

3. Ease of assembling and dissembling

If you are prone to moving from time to time, this is an essential factor to look at when purchasing a metal platform bed. It could have something to do with your career or education. For such cases, you may have to for a bed with a foldable foundation. Such beds are light, comfortable packs and can easily be transported. Also, not every time will you get a helping hand or someone to support you assemble or disassemble the bed. Always ask the manufacturer about the ease of assembling or dissembling. If possible, let them demonstrate by action. To avoid the extra cost of purchasing assembly tools, go for a brand that comes with these tools.

4. Capped or no capped legs

Metal beds are known for their ability to destroy carpets. Carpets are delicate, and if subjected to immense pressure, they are likely to tear. Besides, beds are occasionally moved from one point to another. Such movements destroy the carpet. Therefore, when purchasing a metal platform bed, consider the type of floor or carpet in your bedroom. If your carpet is made from a soft material, consider purchasing a mattress with metallic legs capped with plastic or any other soft metal. However, if your carpet is strong enough to sustain any kind of pressure, you are free to purchase a bed with uncapped legs.

Read more  How to Choose the Best Metal Platform Bed Frame

5. Aesthetic

If you want more than just sleep, but also the looks, then you ought to look at the aesthetics matter a lot. Platform metallic beds come in different styles and designs. If you are looking for a mattress that will blend or improve the look of your bedroom, look at the color and design carefully. Also, pay close attention to the pattern of the footboard and the headboard. If you are not sure about the color and the design that suits your room, you can seek the services of a professional before making the decision.

6. Price

Price is another crucial factor in top consideration when buying not just a queen platform bed but any other furniture for your home. As they say, the market always has everything for everyone. Prices of metal platform queen beds vary from the highest to the lowest. Even though quality goes hand in hand with the price, you have got to go for a mattress that is within your budget. Why would you go to the extent of lending money to buy a platform bed that is clearly out of your budget when you can get a good foundation at a relatively low price.

7. Size of bedroom

You need to move around your bedroom freely, or at least your kids need ample playing space in their bedroom. A standard queen size platform bed measures 60 by 80 feet. If your bedroom is anything less than that, you have no choice but to consider purchasing a different type of mattress. Also, find your activities in the bedroom. If your bedroom doubles up as a study room, then you need extra space for a study table and a chair in your bedroom. If your bedroom is not big enough, you may have to re-evaluate your options.  


Choosing which type of queen size platform bed  to take home is quite an overwhelming task. The number of designs in the market has increased immensely over time. Because a mattress is not something you will buy over and over, you need to make the decision carefully. Well, I hope the factors, as mentioned earlier, will help you in finding a good queen metal platform bed for your bedroom. The post also gives clear guidelines to look at when purchasing a queen platform bed. Putting in mind all the factors mentioned, you will surely make an informed decision.

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